Anyway, this is a picture of the piece I started last week with some of the goodies that I got from Laura McCabe's eBay shop:
It's not a great picture. I used some of the seed beads that I got from Whimbeads to stitch sections of netted lace beneath each of the faceted calcite beads. Then I used the gray daggers in the very last row of lace. I attached a peyote ring to each end of the work. I think these are going to be the side pieces and I'll just work a big, elaborate piece of lace for the centerpiece.
Those faceted calcite beads were a steal - I think they were like $5 for the bag. Makes me want to go back and get some more.
Sunday morning, we went blueberry picking with Kathy and the girls. It was hot, but we went early in the morning before the heat got too bad. And it went faster - we managed to fill up all the quart containers we brought with us in half the time it took us to fill just five of them when we went the Sunday before.
We stopped at the farm stand to pay for the blueberries, and Kathy came back with a bag of cider donuts. Colden promptly chomped right into one, then fell asleep, covered with sugar and donut bits:
Had my doctor check up on Monday, which is why I was given the uterine-contracting drugs, then we managed to sneak in a visit to ECHO in Burlington. We got to take the girls on the ferry, and Colden was so excited! He kept saying, "Boat - 'Mont!" (Boat to Vermont, LOL!)
After dinner, we cracked open the geodes I bought for everyone from the gift shop at ECHO. We did this last year with the geodes that I brought back from the Syracuse Gem & Mineral Show, but I had to cancel my plans to go back for that show this year. So I think I'm going to have to find a source for these geodes so we can do this every summer when the girls come out to visit.
Colden looked on very patiently until it was his turn to whack his geode with the hammer. Tom finished the job for him!
I've got some more pictures from the last night we spent with Kathy and the girls before they went back to Reno. I'll write about that later, maybe tomorrow, because this post is getting way too long, and I need to get some other work done before I go to bed.
And another giveaway is coming soon - I swear! As soon as I figure out what I'm doing with my life this week, I'll post the details here!