Here I have begun my darks. They look a bit too green for me so I’ll be working on pulling in some more dark color to offset the “green-y-ness”!
Since I have a habit – a bad habit – of too many hard edges, I decided to incorporate tape on the edges of some of my petals for some softer edges. I really like how it has worked, even though it’s a pain – very time consuming to tear it, and then you are left with little pieces to dispose of.
I should have taken a picture of my table – there were dozens of little pieces of torn tape stuck to the oil cloth I use to cover the dining room table when I paint there. I was able to use some of them on the paper, but the rest were disposed of – mostly after I accidentally set my arm down on them, thereby attaching them to me!
And, I think I’ve got too many hard edges on the petals.
P.S. It may take me a few days to get back to this - got "office work" stuff to do - don't you hate it when life interferes with your painting time!!!
Also - has anyone noticed that Blogger seems a bit "jumpy" when going from post to comment - or is it just my computer here in the frozen wasteland (aka "The Midwest"!!!)
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art instruction,
fluid acrylic,
painting instruction