Hey everybody!! :) I've been wanting to do this ever since I remembered the Cover Girl Crackle Polishes from long ago. Unfortunately, I cannot find a BLACK bottle of Cover Girl Crackle to save my life. However, I found this bottle of no-name crackle polish at a Halloween store, and finally decided to try it. Unfortunately, as it dried, it turned from Black to grey, but you can see where it stayed black in some spots.. :( Oh well, I still think it give close enough to the desired effect. I marbled red and orange underneath the crackle polish to give the feel of swirling lava.

I used Sally Hanson Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear in 06 Sun Kissed as a base, with China Glaze Salsa and Electric Orange marbled on top. I then brushed a coat of the aforementioned no-name black Halloween store crackle polish. Once it crackled, I topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.
And for those that might remember the game, for those who love Daniel Tosh (of Tosh.0 and comedy fame), and for my friend Jordan....