As you can see, I’ve redesigned the blog. If you’re a reader of my other blogs, you’ll note that the template is the same. I like this template, and I like continuity among my blogs. I’m still working on the colors over here, and I need a better background (thinking either nail polish bottles or nail art on the blue), so I’ll probably be playing with it for the next week or so.
I’m hoping to start posting tutorials for some of my nail art – maybe even with video. We now have a tripod for the camera that will make video and tutorial photos much more feasible. Watch for that as early as next week.
If you look over there in the new left hand sidebar, you’ll see that Nail Art Tuesday is now on Twitter! I’ll update twitter every time there’s a new post here, on Saturday nights when I do my weekly manicure, and whenever else I have something nail art or beauty-related to jabber about (like making moisturizer, or buying new Miche bag covers). You know, girly stuff.
I’m working on putting together a monthly nail art contest for the blog. With any luck, I’ll have it ready to start next week, so the first one will run in September. The prizes will be nail art items, rather than polish…and that’s really just so I can open it up to international readers as well. I’d rather not try to ship polish out of the country to avoid any problems with that, but if you’re wanting some nail art goodies, watch for the contest announcement, probably next Friday (9/4).
I’ve removed comment moderation for now, so your comments should be on the blog almost immediately again. Hopefully the spammers have moved on by now. If you just want to tell me what you think without commenting, you can check one of the handy “Reactions” boxes now underneath each post.
Finally, I’m getting some products in for review in the next few weeks – and I’m pretty excited about trying them and showing them off!
And that’s the news – until next Tuesday, Happy Polishing!