Steve Stumpf was one of the guys on the softball team from my first day as a substitute. Aside from the fact that he is a Cubs-hater, Stumpfy is a great guy.
Stumpfy taught me some better glovework for the catcher position in 12 inch softball, without making me feel like a big goof. He has also adjusted my swing years ago (although he probably will deny having anything to do with my swing).
Stumpfy pioneered the arse-slap for excellent plays. He has also taken to playing umpire at 1st when I am at bat. He loves calling me 'out' or 'safe' on close plays. He is a solid gloveman and a smart hitter. He is also slower than me (although a better baserunner).
One of my favorite memories of Stumpfy was when he wore a earpiece to listen to the Sox 2005 playoff games, while playing. The timing of one game was perfect, as the White Sox won their game, just as Stumpf settled under a pop up for the final out of our playoff game.
Stumpfy also does a few pretty good Hawk Harrelson impressions. So, for all of these reasons, this one's for you Stumpfy, dadgumit!