On Chicago's southeast side, a group of 31 8th graders graduated
Most of the boys went on to Mt. Carmel High School. Most of the girls went to Mother Seton (now Seton Academy). Others went to St. Francis de Sales, Washington or Bishop Noll. Our post-high school years separated us further.
I have had very little contact with any of my Sacred Heart classmates since high school. I don't even know where most of them are now, but I would like to find out.
Towards that effort, here is the roll call for the 1979 graduating class:
Monica Baeza
Kim Dosen
Jackie Farrell
Richard Garcia
Luis Gascon
Ninette Giacomelli
Mary Alice Gibson
Don Hroma
Steve Iwinski
Mary Kay Jovanovich
Jimmy Kennedy
Zelko Kireta
Steve Marino
Tom Matic
Joyce Melvan
Todd Mitchell
Karen O'Keefe
Melissa Pawelski
Lisa Peralta
John Preuss
Mike Rojewski
Holly Ruzich
Kim Ruzich
Debbie Salazar
Dan Shegich
Tom Skalski
Maria Toscano
Kathy Turich
Barbara Varela
Paula Velgos
If you know any of these people, tell them about this. If you are any of my classmates, contact me.
It's been 30 years since we ended our 8 years together. There should be a 30th reunion. I hope this might be the start to making that reunion a reality.