To get this look, I used Zoya "Tangy" & "Hayden", with my silver Nubar nail art pen. Avon base/top coat, which are working very well for me.
I started with two coats of "Tangy", a lovely bright green. Then I laid my "S" curve down the length of the nail with the silver pen, very lightly (just enough to create a guide and barrier). Then I carefully painted one side of the nail with "Hayden" - 2 coats. An opposite color dot on each side, and a final pass over the curves with silver finished off the look. I sealed it with two coats top coat. I really like how it turned out, and traditional black and white would be very striking, I think (a black nail art pen for the curve delineation in that case).
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day here in the states. I guess it was also "Towel Day" and "Nerd Pride Day", according to twitter rumor - odd...