Seasons in the Sun

Back in the summer of 1992, I got my first real taste of league softball. Lerner Newspapers was doing fairly well at the time and we had enough young employees to put together a softball team. We joined a co-rec mushball (14 inch) softball league.
Much like in high school, I was the last guy on the team. I did open some eyes by doubling in my first at-bat for the team. Unfortunately, my defense was shaky and the ball always seemed to find me, when I was actually allowed to get in a game.
The team went through several incarnations. After a few seasons, I became the coach (meaning I scrambled to make sure we had enough players every game).
Despite the struggle to field a team, I really enjoyed the seasons. My hitting eventually improved and my fielding problems were solved in a unique way. My then boss Dave Perham was our pitcher. I don't remember why, but he suggested that I take over the pitching duties, while he moved to 2nd base.
I was a decent pitcher, although our teams were still pretty bad. Over the next few months (aka the softball season), I will be waxing nostalgic about our 14 inch follies. Maybe some of my old teammates might even join in the fun.
The picture is dark and blurry, but I clubbed that pitch (see ball rising off of bat end).

A much clearer picture, but a much worse outcome (see ball by home plate) in Skokie, IL-mid 1990's.