Thanks to Arti - I’ve been tagged! You can check out her blog (“Arti’s Life - Life as I See It”) from my blogroll on the right. Arti lives in India – I am constantly amazed that I can communicate with someone I’ve never met who lives half a world away!
Now, having won this blog award, I’m supposed to pass it on to 7 other artists and list 7 things I love.
The hardest part of this is deciding on 7 other artists to tag – there are so many who I admire. After some consideration, here are my choices. (Now, don’t be offended if you didn’t make my list – there are so many more blogs that I enjoy, and I’ll have more on this subject in the future!!!)
Chris Beck – who will count as 2! Both for her personal blogspot “I’m Painting as Fast as I Can” and for her showcase blog – “Brush-Paper-Water”.
Pablo Villicana Lara – “My Little Paint Box” – WOW – can this guy paint!
Vicki Greene – “Garden of Weeden” – she has giveaways!
Rhonda Carpenter – “Watercolor and Words” – got to be a Blogging Queen!
Joan Sandford Cook – such entertaining blog entries.
Jackqueline Gnott – “Realism in Watercolors” – WOW – can this woman paint!
If you haven’t already done so - check out all of these blogs on my blog roll!
No one every really asks you this question – “what do you love”. But, here in Blog Land it is apparently quite common! “Love” is a relative term and I had to decide exactly how to interpret it. After much consideration then, here is a list of 7 things that I “love” (as they say on “Dancing With the Stars” – in no particular order!):
1 and 2 - My family and friends – this goes without saying.
3 - My dog Stray! – he’s a wonderful animal.
4 - Our property – a little piece of heaven.
5 - Watching the sun glisten on the lake – blindingly beautiful.
6 - Driving down the road on a beautiful sunny day and simply enjoying freedom – makes me feel like I’m 18 again!
7 - Vegging out in a comfortable chair with a good book – preferably when no one else is home, on an overcast winter day, snuggled down into a comfy blanket, sipping a hot drink – ahhhhhhhhh!