I have been painting – with acrylic, not watercolor or casein. But, not the "right" kind of acrylic – this was satin gloss latex.
I have been painting cornhole boards with my daughter. (If you are not from the Midwest you may think I just typed a bad word!) Cornhole is a game in which you have two boards with large holes in them. You set them up like you would for horseshoes, i.e., one at either end of your yard. (I’m sure there are some specific distance requirements). You then have two teams, one at either end of the yard aiming for the cornhole board the farthest away and you toss little 6 inch square bags filled with, what else - CORN - into the hole in the board. (It’s harder than it looks!).
This game is very popular with the young people since, unlike golf, baseball, softball or tennis, it only requires one hand to play the game. The “other” hand can then be used as the beer caddy.
There should have been a photo here showing our completed handiwork. However, since mom tends to paint everything like watercolor, and since daughter tends to rush in with no plan in place, there were some “issues” as to how to go about accomplishing the goal of a black board with gold lining the outside and around the hole, and “Purdue” spelled out in white and gold, with “glow in the dark” paint around the hole and along the sides. Her boyfriend graduated from Purdue so she wanted that incorporated onto the board, and she purchased cornhole bags with Purdue logo on them.
This turned out to be a family project – brother built the boards and sanded them beautifully, mother and daughter worked together painting (with no major arguments or bloodshed). In the end, daughter decided that they just didn’t look good enough and she had dad sand them down.
The boards are at her house now, not really finished, awaiting decals. But I’m told that they were much appreciated by boyfriend, and the first game of cornhole has been played on them!