There is so much going on that I want to write about, but I have to limit myself to one topic per day, otherwise this blog would morph into something like the blob!
Last night, I spoke to the organizer of the Syracuse Gem & Mineral Show, and I am honored and flattered to be teaching there this summer. This is a brand new thing for the folks that organize the show - they have never offered classes, workshops or lectures before! So I'm very excited that I will be teaching a half-day workshop on Sunday, July 12 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. You can find more information about the Syracuse Gem & Mineral Show on their website. The show will be held at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse - directions and information can be found on the Syracuse Gem & Mineral Society's website. I'll also have two cases full of my work for sale at the show!
I don't know what I'm going to be teaching yet, but since it's a short class, I am leaning towards either my Easy Elegance right angle weave earrings or Tallulah's Pearls - they can both be taught in a relatively short amount of time. Or, I might do a short class on capturing a cabochon with peyote stitch. I'm open to suggestions!
The other venue where I'll be teaching, and I'm also very excited about this one, is at Interweave's BeadFest Philadelphia! I am teaching two classes there - Tallulah's Pearls (pictured above) and my Byzantine Neckpiece. (I have to apologize for the small thumbnail - I don't know what happened to my full-size photo of the piece!) But you can see photos of the pieces on the BeadFest Philadelphia website. The dates for BeadFest are August 21-23. Tallulah's Pearls (also called the Venus Necklace) will be taught on Saturday, August 22 from 5 - 8 p.m. The Byzantine Neckpiece will be taught on Sunday, August 23 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Classes fill up quickly, so if you are interested, sign up soon! I am already picking out what classes I want to take at BeadFest, and I think I've settled on a lampworking class and a bead stitching class. I haven't been able to attend BeadFest since 2003, so I'm really looking forward to it this year!
Tonight, I am hosting the first meeting of the Adirondack Etsy Team that I am putting together. There are so many of us who make such a variety of beautiful things, and the closest Team I could find on Etsy was for Central New York! Not quite what I had in mind, so I'm starting my own. I think there will be about eight of us there tonight at the Great Adirondack Soup Company on Oak Street in Plattsburgh. But that's another post for tomorrow! Like I said, lots going on that I want to write about!
On that note, I am off to do everything else I need to do today. Colden and I have to go to the store and buy some milk and bread for lunch, go to the library and the post office, and get him to take a nap! And then I need to finish up some freelance work I'm doing, keep beading on those wedding rings, get together my new submissions for Beadwork and Step By Step Beads, and finish putting my music into iTunes on my new laptop. It's only taken me two months to get the music transferred onto my new laptop. When I tried to backup all 15 GB of music on my iTunes, it told me that it would take 21 blank cds. I decided not to go that route and to just copy what I could onto my thumb drives and then just import the rest of them all over again. So far, I've got 262 albums in there, and I'm about half done. Just a few more to go!