Sexy MTV VJ Mia
Mia is one of sexiest MTV VJ's on TV. Blogged about earlier , here are a few more of her shots as she hosts the MTV Saturday shuffle (the program has now been discontinued)
Zara Sheikh Glam Shots
One of the most searched after Pakistani Model, Zara Sheikh's few more glamour shots from flickr. Check out more of her photos here .
Sonia Mehra Song Caps
FDA Approves Botox Competitor Dysport / Reloxin!

BIG news in the plastic surgery field. The FDA approved the drug Dysport (otherwise known as Reloxin) today for the treatment of fine lines in the glabella (between the brows). This is the first bona-fide competitor to Botox, as it is also a Botulinum Toxin Type A.
I've mentioned Reloxin in this blog before, as well as on the Rachael Ray show a couple months ago. Plastic surgeons (and patients) hope that this can act as an economic bailout for the 4 million Americans who pay several hundreds of dollars for each Botox treatment. I think we would all welcome a price war between Allergan (makers of Botox) and Medicis (makers of Dysport).
How does Dysport compare to Botox? Other than the fact that they are both Botulinum Toxin Type A, it's difficult to tell. However, if Dysport is priced competitively with Botox and has similar efficacy, we may see a multi-billion dollar product reaching your plastic surgeons' offices in the next 30-60 days. Stay tuned!
Source: Globe Newswire
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Avery Brooks at the 2008 Motor City Comic Con
I knew Brooks from his portrayal of Hawk on tv's Spencer:For Hire, also starring Robert Urich. Once again, I was the lone wolf among a crowd of Trekkies who didn't know or care much for the Hawk role. They loved Brooks for his Star Trek role of Benjamin Sisko.
I met Brooks early in the day and we had a little extra time to talk. He asked me where I was from. I told him how I was born and raised on the far south side of Chicago, very close to Indiana. He started talking about his childhood in Gary (IN). Brooks was actually born in Evansville (IN), but moved to Gary when he was 8.
We talked a bit about the area and familiar things. As I was leaving, he thanked me for bringing up good memories. I thanked him as well, because not that many people are familiar with that area.
This is just another example of the celebrities and the conditions at the Motor City Comic Con being so different than a lot of celebrities at conventions. The folks at MCCC are doing something right, because I have never had or heard of any bad experience with any celeb there. Plus, you usually have that little extra bit of time with the star which makes it a special experience as opposed to simply an autograph opportunity.
Saline or Silicone Gel? The Results May Surprise You...

- The average implant size reported by 81% of surgeons was 300 to 400 cc (which is approximately a small to a full "C" cup bra).
- Smooth implants, rather than implants with a textured surface, were most often preferred by 92% of respondents because it was the surgeon's preference, less wrinkling, or overall better results for the patient.
- Ninety-six percent of surgeons used round, rather than anatomically-shaped, implants.
- The most common position for implant placement was under the muscle (62% of surgeons).
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.:
Millitary Girl
I went to my local Sally Beauty shop yesterday, just to get some Soche Vite top coat ( i herd about it from "Polish Addict", because she called it her greatest nail opening. in the get to know article, and i just couldn't wait to try it, especially after reading some really good reviews on the net). But in the store i found that where is china glaze "for Audrey" for sale, and i was going to order it anyway, so decided to get this one too. And then the cashier told that where is a promotion going on on china glaze and orly - "buy one get one free" - so i had to pick up 2 more colors. And since already got so many stuff, i decided to get some color club nail-art goodies too :)
And yes!!! i am absolutely happy, still :)
Here is my interpretation of "For Audrey", that i was just dying to try for last several weeks. It happened to be a little hacki-military style, but for Audrey is the amazing color, which really don't need any design on it .

Fabric story book
RöRA great than ME


I'm not sure if I'm supposed to put colloquial expressions
on my blog but this made me laugh and i just wanted to share it.
The more I look at it the more I laugh.
Such a pair of cuties!
Alan Ruck at the 2008 Motor City Comic Con
Ruck has gone on to many other great roles. I really liked him in tv's Spin City. He also carved a niche in the Star Trek franchise. Another solid, although underrated performance was in The Happening. Still, for me, his defining role was as Frye in FBDO.
As I wrote in the earlier piece on Ruck, he was so nice. In 2008, he was called away from his booth for an interview session. When he returned about 15 minutes later, he was so apologetic. Ruck is definitely a fan favorite and it is all genuine.
International Language System

Bit by bit with the help of others, I've been growing
the international language system.
It's such a thrill when someone agrees to contribute their hand writing
and language into the collection.
These are some of the new ones from top left clockwise:
Polish, Indian, Irish, Romanian, Cantonese and Arabic.
If your native language is one you'd like to contribute come on
down to the Rose St. market on a Saturday.
Many thanks again to all the contributors so far.
I have tryed holografics before, but almost always was dissapointed. In fact this time too. It look really sparkly and deep on the pictures, or under the lamp, but when i just look at it, i only see grey-blue something on my nails unless under the special angle. So i still woder does it really look like it looks on the pictures when other people look at it. Anyway for those pictures it worth that i gave holos another shoot.

It's not spring, it feels like summer!
Anyway, I think I mentioned before that I am now involved with a program thought that they call "Blogging for Beads". They send me great new products to test, and I blog about them! I think it's a pretty cool deal. I received my first package of beads from them a little over a week ago, and finally had a chance to sit down with them this past weekend.
They are incredible for beadweaving. I used them to make a sample for another project I'm working on right now, and they click together almost as nicely as the Toho cylinder beads, but because they are slightly rounder, they give the work a more organic feel. And those colors - wow! The finishes are just beautiful.
Once I complete the project later this weekend, I'll make sure I post full directions and a printer-friendly file for you to download and share.
Tom is in the kitchen making dinner for us tonight. We're having Breakfast For Dinner - omelet made with our fresh eggs, Tom's killer homemade pancakes, oven-fried potatoes, and of course, our homemade maple syrup!

I’ve gotten a little bit behind in my postings, but wanted to tell you about the class I taught last Saturday - it was a watercolor painting of a goldfish. So, I needed a photo of a goldfish.
Did you ever try to get a goldfish to pose for a portrait? It’s not easy, not even when you have “Fred, the Oldest Living Trained Goldfish in the World” living on top of your piano. I should know, since it’s my piano and Fred is my fish.
Let me tell you about Fred.
Fred, the Oldest Living Trained Goldfish in the World!
He is a golden goldfish with a really, really long tail. (I think that is how you can tell how old a goldfish is, since that’s the only thing that seems to grow). He has outlived all of his pals, mostly because he has murdered all of them in cold water. So now he lives in solitary confinement.
Instructor (or imposter???)
There she is again!
He is the oldest goldfish that I or any of my friends know of. After being won by my daughter at the local county fair five years ago (FIVE years!) Fred and a companion, a spotted goldfish, came (in their individual plastic bags half filled with water) to live at our house. After acclimatizing their water to the water in their new fish bowl, they were both released into the bowl. The next day the companion was found floating, dead in the water.
Some of those fish turned out GREAT!
A trip to the local pet store ensued, and another companion was purchased (for 35 cents). This companion was also a spotted goldfish. A few days after his arrival he was also found dead. There was only one suspect, Fred, but he refused to talk.
The class workin' hard!
Fred is one feisty fish. He has survived being neglected by my daughter until he water was so green we couldn’t even see him. That’s when he was moved to the piano, so I could care for him. He has survived my vacation when no one would feed or clean him for a week. On a couple of occasions, he has survived ME. Every now and then I forget to feed him for a day. And once when I was cleaning his bowl he slipped out of the cup he was in and fell into the sink, just an inch away from the drain, but I caught him just in time.The photographer for this "photo shoot"!
Oh, and I did mention that he is trained. This is true – when he sees me approach his bowl he wags his whole body and begins to make his fishy-face! He knows I’m going to feed him!! He’s also very loud. He goes to the edge of his bowl and makes popping, pinging noises against the glass. (I’m not making this stuff up – ask my family!)Someone was able to paint the water!
Well, after he was moved to the piano, we tried one more companion. Again, a spotted goldfish (we kept getting the spotted ones so we could tell them apart). When my daughter and I left to run errands all was well. A few hours later when we returned, the spotted goldfish was moving very slowly, opening and closing his mouth a lot. That’s when Fred swam in quick circles and then SMACK – hit him in the side like he was a soccer ball! We removed Companion Fish and put him into his own bowl, but sadly, the injuries he had sustained at the fins of Fred were life threatening and he passed away a short time later.
That’s when I decided that Fred will be spending the rest of his life in solitary confinement.
Bubbles and scales finished.
Disclaimer: The woman appearing in these photos, proclaiming to be the instructor, is an imposter. These photos were maliciously “doctored”. I actually am at least 50 pounds thinner and closely resemble Raquel Welch.
Hope they come back! I think they had fun - we sure did laugh a lot even though we worked hard.