But alas, every one of my nails “bubbled” as it dried. I love nail art, but hate bubbles with a passion, so that was most disappointing. I'll have to try again later with a different room temperature. No-flash photo:

I’ve gotten a little tip pull on all fingers…but I think that’s probably to be expected since it cures through evaporation, and I didn’t wrap the polish over the tips.
The main test, of course, is whether or not this polish will last without chipping or “wear” until next Sunday. It warns that the polish should be removed after 1 week, because the longer you wear it, the harder it is to remove. So we’ll see how the durability turns out next week.
I wanted to add a caution on the Eco-Easy Nail Polish Remover I reviewed last week. I thought I’d use a cloth to remove my Valentina mani last weekend. Seriously – just say no! Use cotton balls! With the cloth, the lovely red Valentina got all over my fingers, making a huge mess, and leaving me “red-handed” for the better part of yesterday. Not a great fashion statement.
Next weekend I’ll be trying out the soy based nail polish remover, so stay tuned. Later this week, pictures of my new Nubar Moodie colors, as well as more water-based nail polishes.