I belong to a few groups, and when I join something I like to get involved, but I may be a bit overextended at the moment, as they all seem to have something going on at the same time – spring being right around the corner. Plus I’m teaching classes, plus attempting to run a house (into the ground, apparently!) and I find myself not doing anything very well.

I feel bad that I haven’t had a chance to sit down and take time to blog and check out the other blogs I like.
I feel bad that I haven’t had time to catch up on the stack of art magazines that now goes back 3 months (or more)!
I feel bad that I joined an online group that I have yet to involve myself with.
I feel bad that I haven’t gotten farther with organizing my art supplies.
I feel bad that I haven’t kept some promises I made.
I feel like I’ve been running like crazy to get somewhere, only to realize that I’m on a treadmill and no matter how fast I run, I’ll never get anywhere. My painting seems to always take a back seat to something else that “must be done”.

And, last but not least, I feel bad – as in SICK. Last week I was patting myself on the back feeling smug that I had not gotten the “winter illness”, even though my son was coughing and sneezing for several days. Well, guess what, I’ve got it now.

So I’m going to take a couple of days to slow down, maybe catch up on some of those art magazines, until I feel better. If you need me I’ll be buried under a soft comforter on the couch sipping hot tea and eating toast.