I got to Borders on time and found basically no line and no Canseco, so I left the store to grab a Coke. As I stepped outside, I almost ran into Canseco who was on his cell phone as he walked into Borders.
Canseco was huge. I have been around wrestlers and other sports figures. Canseco would easily be among the biggest of all of them. He is listed at 6'4" and 240 pounds. Granted he is solid muscle, but there is no way he only weighed 240. He was just massive.
As is the case with a lot of such signings, Canseco would only be signing his book, no other objects (baseballs, photos...). As is also
I hate these restrictions, but I understand them. However, the fact that Canseco did not even acknowledge a lot of the people as he signed is just crappy. Part of the time he was on his cell phone. Part of the time he talked with his assistant. None of the time did he look up and smile for any photos. Basically, he just sat there, head down, signing just his name in the book.
I saw a lot of people leave without buying his book because of this. Canseco probably didn't even see them, nor would he have cared. It just bothers me. I almost never complain about celebrities. I am not one who thinks they owe us autographs or anything else. I do think that if he is there to sign (and sell) his book, the least he could have done was look up for a quick picture. Is that asking too much?