Tom Cruise is a Fat, Balding Studio Exec.....

Oh wait. That's just a character he's playing, in secret, in the film 'Tropic Thunder'. Apparently it's not a secret anymore, as the photos of Cruise in his costume got leaked onto the internet this week, and he's pi***d.

The star is currently filming Ben Stiller comedy Tropic Thunder alongside wife Katie Holmes and Jack Black - and is reported to be considering legal action over the shots. In a statement, representatives for Cruise said, "Mr. Cruise's appearance was supposed to be a surprise for his fans worldwide. (Paparazzi) have ruined what should have been a fun discovery for moviegoers."

Earlier reports suggested that Cruise was PO'ed at the leak because the film is outside the fold of United Artists, and he didn't want anyone to know he had staryed from his new company.

Above is the only sample photo I could find, and I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to post it. Enjoy it while you can!