Ryan Gosling will have a new love interest in his next film: a rubber sex doll! The film is called 'Lars and the Real Doll', and centers on Gosling's character falling in love with a realistic looking doll.
"They have really realistic ones. You can design them and they feel real," says Gosling, who plays the title character. "[My character] has a delusion. He orders one and he's convinced she's real. He's a hermit. He takes her into the town he lives in, and [the townspeople] play along with him, so they can get to know him and make him feel comfortable. In the process they fall in love with her too."
The film, written by "Six Feet Under" scribe Nancy Oliver, also stars Patricia Clarkson and Emily Mortimer.
"[The doll] gets a terminal illness," says Gosling, laughing, "and she dies, and the whole town has a funeral for her. The director [newcomer Craig Gillespie] played it really realistically, no irony."
This is a comedy — albeit in the vein of '70s classics "Being There" and "Harold and Maude."
A true twist would be if they got a real actress to play the part of the sex doll. I nominate Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or Kim Kardashian. Thay all have so much experience playing blow up dolls that I think any of those would be perfect for the role.