Madonna obviously never read the book "How To Win Friends and Influence People". On her trip to her adopted son's home country of Malawi, there was to be a scheduled meeting between David's biological father and his son. Madge bagged the meeting instead, after the guy, a poor farmer, was already on his way to the appointed meeting site.
Yohane Banda had hoped to get a chance to catch up with three-year-old David Banda, who the Material Girl star adopted last October (06). But Yohane was left disappointed when Madonna's tight schedule didn't allow for him to sit down with David. He says, "I never met him. Plans were there for me to meet David but it never happened. "I must say my mother was looking forward to meeting David and she was a little sad it was never to happen. But I assured her it will happen one day." Banda claims the Malawi government's Director Of Child Welfare services, Penston Kilembe, told him, "Meeting me was not on the agenda but (Madonna's) people said if time allowed she would meet me."
Now is not the time to piss off the world, Madge. People have just started to forget about the allegations of illegal adoption where little David is concerned.