Jennifer Garner has said in the past that she couldn’t even look at herself after giving birth to Violet Affleck, because she thought she looked like a fat ass! She’s also saying that she refused to do a scene in a bikini for her new movie Catch and Release, because she didn’t want to subject viewers to her fatness.
She said, “It got a little ridiculous and I got on the treadmill and I lost weight. It’s that simple. I stopped stuffing my face and I started running and lost weight. I cut out bagels and croissants and muffins and all the good stuff and went back to having a salad once a day with some protein. I can’t do a crash diet. I know that if I do that I’ll just gain more back… There were actually a couple of bikini scenes in ‘Catch & Release,’ where I said, ‘I can’t get ready for a bikini that quickly; take it out.’”
Isn’t that what post-production is for? Furthermore, she really hates herself doesn’t she know? I know at least 20 girls that would kill their unborn children to look like that.