Boy oh boy, when it rains it ours for poor Lindsay Lohan. According to the Hollywood Grind, many of the "Old Guard" actors in Hollywood, including Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, have specifically instructed their agents to turn down flat any script that has Lohan's name attached to it. They feel that she is a blight on the profession, and hope to shut her out by sticking together and refusing to work with her.
Lindsay's fellow Wonderland'ees aren't feeling the warm and fuzzies toward her either, speaking out about the supposed special treatment she seems to be receiving by seemingly being able to come and go as she pleases. Wonderland reps have responded by saying that their center isn't a lockdown facility, and she is receiving the same treatment as the other patients.
She is just as unpopular at her local AA meetings, since the second part of the group's name happens to be Anonymous, and she always has a herd of photographers with her wherever she goes. This tends to make the others AA'ers attending not too comfy, since their images are then splashed all over the gossip rags.
Well hopefully La Lohan will hurry up and get her s**t together, so everyone can go on with their lives.