Happy Birthday Laura

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to make this post yesterday. It is a day late, but the message is very much from my heart.
Yesterday was my niece Laura's birthday. I can't believe that Laura turned 23 already. It seems only yesterday that she was a happy and playful little girl. She is still happy and playful, but she is no longer a little girl.
I missed too many special occasions with Laura as she was growing up. I was in a blue funk and I stayed away. I always loved her (and my whole family), but I can't make excuses. I handled bad times poorly.
A couple years ago, I had the opportunity to drive to New York with Laura and her mom (my sister). Last year, I had the chance to make the same drive with them. I know it doesn't erase years of missing out, but I am so happy to have spent that time with her. I learned a lot about Laura and I had a great time.
Laura has blossomed into a great young lady. She's smart, funny and courageous. She is the best.
Happy belated birthday, Laura. I love you!
Laura (and Iggy) and me in Elmwood Park, IL-early 1990's.