This is a special series about my friends meeting celebs.
When I did research on the Motor City Comic Con before my first year of covering it, Jack Odanovich was the first person to help me. Jack shared stories and pictures and was a big help in the first pieces I wrote about the MCCC.
It doesn't look like Jack will be attending the MCCC this year, but I asked him for a quick update. As usual, Jack has been very busy.
So far this year, my Star Wars group and I have performed on stage at a second symphony, while my friend James (Mace Windu) fought myself to the "Duel of the Fates" song played in Episode 1. It was such a rush performing the skit in front of an almost sold out 4000 (?) audience, yet we were able to pull it off twice before, so we knew each others movements, making the crowd watch in anticipation and excitement as to what was going to happen next. (See my Facebook album "2010 Star Wars Events" for the pictures).
Another event we did was a costume contest at a minor league hockey game in front of 8,400 people...where a kid dressed as a Jedi won.
We previously volunteered at a special needs theme park called Morgan's Wonderland, where handicapped and less fortunate kids, who don't have the ability to go to a place such as Sea World or Six Flags and get on rides, can now go on a train, truck rides, a carousel and so on. It was an amazing experience having the chance to meet the owner of the park, David Robinson from the San Antonio Spurs and Eva Longoria Parker. (You can see those pictures in my profile's album and a select few on the Jack Odanovich Photography fan site.)
I really appreciated Jack's time and consideration when I was writing the firt pieces on the MCCC. I am always glad to hear his latest news. The Jack Odanovich Photography fan site is really full of beautiful pictures of nature, animals, architecture and other stuff in color and b/w. Jack knows a great shot when he sees one!