Just another quick post about the Shakers.
These photos are from the Shaker village in our area – about 20 minutes from my house. My husband and I had driven past these buildings a few years ago and I knew they were Shaker, but that’s all. Spending time in KY last week piqued my curiosity and we drove out there the other evening to take another look. I have learned that there is a group trying to restore the buildings.

At Shaker Village in KY there was a real village with most of the buildings in one central location. Here they are spread out into 3 separate “villages” a few miles apart, so I think it will be much harder for this group to get this organized for a tourist area. But, I love history and it’s really neat to realize that these buildings remain from the early 1800’s – there is even a cemetery that we will have to go back and explore.  And this building is the meeting house - single door (!) and one of the oldest brick Shaker buildings.

Just thought I’d share!