This is definitely the most intricate painting I’ve ever done (way more than my lace, but probably less than Rhonda’s “Stranded”) – and I did really enjoy painting it!  And, believe it or not – NO MISKIT. Zero, zilch, nada!

For all of you who want to know how long it took – several hours over several days to get it all drawn out and ready for paint. Then poured and dried at least twice. Then painted over several weeks, some small sections, some larger, as long as I had patience that day!  And I did add a few small touches of acrylic here and there at the end.  I think it's done.

Does it look like corn to you, or just an abstract??? I think it might be one of those paintings that you look at a while and then all of a sudden you realize what it is you are looking at.

Corny, ½ sheet, Fabriano Artistico 140, w/c and acrylic