Once again I’ve done a sunflower, this one for a class project. It’s the same flower as before, even the colors used are the same, but the effect is quite different.

I think I like this one better than the first; I think it shows a bit more maturity in the style, and the colors aren’t so “in your face”.

The technique was exactly the same as before:
Miskit was poured
Paint was poured, yellows first, in two or three pours
The miskit was removed and more paint poured
Then the drawing was transferred to the paper and adjustments were made for the leaves and stem
I then separated the petals with a bit of Daniel Smith vermillion hue and some yellow (forget what I used!)
I then laid in some darks in the center and began to firm up the leaves and stem
Negative painting around the leaves, stem and some petals finished the painting

At least, I think it’s finished – all suggestions and critiques are welcome!

Sunflower, Fabriano Artistico 140