This is another in a series about my friends meeting celebrities.
I found out about my newest friend John Schenk while doing research for a future online piece for Global Traveler magazine. Schenk runs his own business called Show-Me-State Signatures. He organizes private and public signings of athletes. Did I mention Schenk is only 16?!
Like a lot of teenage boys, Schenk was interested in sports memorabilia. After he was burned by some forged stuff, Schenk decided to take matters into his own hands and start his own business. By working with the athlete (or his agent) directly, Schenk knows that all of his stuff is legit. His customers know it, too.
As successful as it has been, Schenk is quick to point out that this isn't all about money. He wants to give back to the community, who helped his family during his sister's kidney transplant.
Schenk met Glenn Brummer (former catcher with the St. Louis Cardinals) at Smugala's Pizza in St. Louis (MO). Smugala's was donating 20% of sales to support the Explore Transplant Team benefiting the 2009 National Kidney Foundation St. Louis Walk. Schenk brought in Brummer to sign autographs and meet all of the supporters.
Schenk now has an exclusive contract with Brummer and represents him for all events. One such event will be on Saturday, February 6, 2010, when Brummer and 5 other St. Louis Cardinals past and present will be appearing in Marion (IL) at a public signing event run by Show-Me-State Signatures.
It has been fun getting to know Schenk and learning about his business. I look forward to more news and updates from him and his events in the future.