I then miskited the areas I wanted to keep light and then poured hooker green and thalo blue, followed by more miskiting.
Some more random pours to either add darks or to emphasize some of the colors.
Then all of the miskit was removed.
I should add that this painting is on Fabriano Artistico 140 and was not taped down - I let it drape and fall to make the colors move.

Then the painting sat a few days since I was way too busy to get back to it.
However, I left it on the piano and glanced at it as I went by, so it was in my mind in a peripheral way – seeing it and making assessments, but not really cognizant of doing that. (I sometimes think that’s how I go through life now – just randomly seeing and doing things but not totally cognizant! I’m blaming my age on the fact that I have the attention span of a gnat!)