In With the New, Out with the Old...

Day 79

Happy New Year's Eve!! For tonight, my nails required sparkle, and champagne, and that's what they got!! ;-P

I used OPI Dazzled by Gold for the Champagne, China Glaze Liquid Leather as a base for the other nails, China Glaze White on White for the white on the champagne glass, and Zoya Luna for the silver sparkle. Everything was topped off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat. :)

I hope that everyone has a very Happy and VERY safe New Year's Eve!! Remember your designated driver!

Edited to add:

Here is a pic of me enjoying a 'champagne' toast ;) Don't mind the hair- this was at the end of the night after walking across downtown in the snow!! lol

Holiday Music-Part 7:Billy Joel

This is the last in my holiday music series. I didn't even plan on having a #7, but then I ran across this on line and it had to make my list.
I heard Billy Joel perform Auld Lang Syne for the Millennium Concert album. I should have known that he performed it at other shows in other years. Still, I had no idea there was video of Joel performing it in 1982 during the Nylon Curtain tour.
I hope you have enjoyed my holiday selections. If you didn't, get your own blog and you can put up your own favorite songs.
Happy New Year!

Happy New Tiger Year!

Happy new year to all my wonderful readers and all the Nail-Art Lovers.
I am so excited, to start the year of the Tiger, according to the Chinese Calendar.
Tiger is the same as Cat just not domesticated, and i love cats so much.
I made 2 tigers manicures, first i made orange one, but when i realized that it is the year of the white tiger, and had nit done again tonight.
So, i hope you ll like manicures and have a cool holiday.

Matchbox show at the Twilight

I finally broke away to get to see the show where I have a few pieces. The show is at the Twilight Artist Collective in West Seattle. Curated by the fabulous Jenna Colby. The venue was great, the shop had fun and functional art for sale, and the exhibit was great! There were a lot of cool artists that submitted their work. You may recognize Tiphoni's work (Teesha's daughter) and some other great artists. I tried to capture their signature labels as much as I could. (Click on images to make them larger).


These nails are too fun! This is a glitter called "wild aces". On the ring fingers I used fimo polymer clay playing cards that I got from
These nails will bring good luck at the casino! Go gamble and have some fun! P.S. have a drink for me!

Mmmm, Fruity!

Day 78

Hi everyone!! Only one more day left of the decade!!! OMG, time flies. Today's nails were a request/suggestion from quite a few people, and they were also on my original list, so here they are!! FRUITYYYYY!!!

I used

Thumb: Watermelon

Kleancolor Barbie Pink as a base, with China Glaze White on White
and OPI Green-wich Village sponged on the tips, and China Glaze Liquid Leather used for the seeds.

Index: Lemon

Not-named yellow jelly from a set given to me by my friend Jodi as a base, with Zoya Pippa for the rind and lines, as well as China Glaze White on White for the pith and lines.

Middle: Lime

Zoya Bekka as a base, with China Glaze White on White for the pith and lines, and OPI Green-wich Village for the peel and lines.

Ring: Strawberry

China Glaze Salsa as a base, with Zoya Pippa mixed with Zoya Ginger for the seeds, and Migi Nail Art Pens for the green.

Pinky: Orange

Sally Hanson Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear in 06 Sun Kissed as a base, with China Glaze White on White for the pith and lines, and Pumped Up Pumpkin from the ULTA Exclusive OPI Glow Get a Treat Halloween mini set for the skin and lines.

2 coats of Seche Vite top coat to top everything off, and away I go. :)

Getting any resolutions ready?

Did Tiger Woods Need a Plastic Surgeon?

X17 is reporting that Tiger Woods suffered such severe injuries at the hands of his wife that he needed a plastic surgeon to repair him. According to Popeater, Tiger's wife attacked him with a 9 iron:

"When she struck Tiger, she put a huge gash in the right side of his face next to his nose (causing his nose to bruise some), and virtually knocking two of his upper teeth out, and breaking the bone on the upper right side," (sports columnist) Bisher writes.

I take ER call for a local hospital and quite often see traumatic injuries, such as people who get bit by dogs, fall off horses, are struck by flying logs, and are in car accidents. Last week I saw a patient with some major injuries from a seizure. BUT I've never seen a philandering husband beat in the face with a golf club by his pissed off wife!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

"FORM ART CENTER" sharing our creativity!

It was a long haul but a great exsperience running these Art Shows and our downtown "Shop Local Event" I'm a little tired at this point but none the less excited about starting the"FORM ART CENTER" We are looking for artists to rent spaces to teach classes and have there art studios. We are trying to create an artists community with classes, shows, lectures and support for local artists. We want to bring culture and a place for people to hang out and enjoy!
Thank You So Much for your support at our Artisan & Craft Shows! They were a great success due to our friends and supporters.
We would like to wish you a Creative and Peaceful New Year! We will continue to have more of these art shows monthly.(to be announced)
We are starting our Art Classes January 11th so far they include:
Painting, Jewelry Making, Felting, Knitting, Crocheting and Kids Classes many more to be announced!
For more info. contact me at , (978) 352 8614 or we have flyer's at the front door of the shop.(28 West Main St. Georgetown)
I will have a calender at
Thanks Again! Lisa Scala

Propps to Brian Propp

Brian Propp had an excellent 15 year career in the NHL. He played mostly with the Philadelphia Flyers and is still a favorite in Philly despite being traded to Boston 20 years ago.
It is always special for me to meet hockey players. On average, they just seem a little more appreciative to their fans and Propp was no different when I met him at the Ultimate Collectibles Show. Propp was having a good time with ex-teammates Kenny Linseman and Tim Kerr. However, whenever any fan approached any of them, that fan got complete attention. It was cool to see.
When I approached Propp, I asked him a few questions about his career. Propp (like most ex-NHL players) was happy to discuss his playing days and to tell a few stories.
Propp is ranked in the top 50 points scorers in NHL history. While he probably will not make the Hall of Fame, he is a Hall of Fame guy.
Brian Propp and me in Oaks, PA-October 2009.

China Glaze Metallics

Hello Dear nail-Art Lovers.
China Glaze marketing representative was kind enough to send me some China Glaze Metallic polishes for review - that was some kind of wonderful Christmas Miracle for me, because this is not often that companies send me polishes.
So here are those adorable colors that i have got - Adore, Millennium and My long time dream Sci-Fi . Where is no much need to say anything about formula - it is perfect as always. Colors are very opaque and look wonderful even with one coat. Perfect for Konad - as a base and as a Stamping polish as well. I also checked out, just for my own curiosity if China Glaze polishes are available in Russia, and i was pleasantly surprised that it it. it would cost about 10$ a bottle, which is a normal price for professional nail polish in Russia.
So here are the pictures and some description

1. Adore - this Metallic polish is from "Romatique" collection, but at first glance looks very similar to the one from the more recent Khrome collection. It is light green metallic with the touch of blue. The color is rich and beautiful - and aplication is really smooth.

Here is Metallic Muse from Kromes for comparability - as you can see it is also very beautiful color, but less bright when Adore. and i would say a little more minty.

2. Millennium - i would call it one of the best pure chrome metallic on the market. It is very competitive even against special Mirror effect polishes, because it shines, sparkle and reflect as a real metal. Metallics are long lasting hits and a part of any nail polish collection

3. Sci-Fi - this one is also from "Kromes". I wanted this polish ever since kromes came out - it is very intricate and provocative. I woudl call it a lacquer with the surprise. It is a silver metallic with the very gentle touch of lilack - very beautiful and very unique color.

I hope you liked this review, and it helped you to know more about China Glaze metallics

The whole true about the goose :)

Some of my friend noticed that the goose was a little to orange when it supposed to be, and asked me to check out if Marshal-Cat is still arround, so here is the whole true about the goose, all reviled
First - Good Bye Kiss

Second - loading into the oven

Third - the result :)


On these nails we went all out! This is acrylic in nebula at the tip then I faded a glitter from called masquerade ball at the smile line. Then, I added silver dots and black and silver stars. Is there such a thing as too cute?! :)

This is my cute sister in law! She is so nice she just goes along with whatever I want to do. I used my own purple and then a glitter from sparkles nail products again. Just an FYI for all my clients I just ordered 12 more glitters from their website.

If you are a reader of my blog you will recognize this color nebula with a little disco ball action at the smile line. It's obvious that I am going through a disco ball phase!

These nails are done with my new favorite glitter called disco balls and one of my own blues that I mixed myself. I added little silver dots and stars all over.

On these nails I used a glitter from sparkles nail products called blue diamonds and faded another one of their glitters called disco balls. LOVE their products! P.S. Click directly on this photo to see the detail of the glitter.

Has Lil Kim Undergone a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Make Me is reporting that Lil Kim has undergone a revision rhinoplasty. Check out their article here.

Back in a flash!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


Day 77

KABLAM! Back to pop art! :-P ZOP! POW! BAM!

I used China Glaze White on White as a base, with Ultra Pro in Blue Blaze for the blue, Zoya Pippa for the yellow, China Glaze Salsa for the red, and China Glaze Liquid Leather for the black. Topped it off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

BTW- Check out, my KISS nails are on their FRONT PAGE!!! WOO!!!

Sparkly New Year

I'm not sure why, but I always associate sparkles and blue nail polish with New Years. Last year I wore China Glaze "Blue Island Iced Tea", and this year decided to go with something super-blingy, China Glaze "Luna". I used three coats to get complete coverage - two would have worked for shorter nails, but wouldn't quite hide the tips.

I used clear rhinestones randomly set in my thumbnails to give them an little extra sparkle. Then I added the year to the remaining four fingers on both hands - one in dark blue rhinestones, the other in white pearls (I never seem to have enough of one color to do all ten nails, do I?).

These are all set in one coat of top coat. For some reason, I had a hard time getting the top coat even again - and I added "renew" drops to it. Weird. My apologies for the somewhat blurry photos - my hands were shaky, and the glitter doesn't help. Yes, I know I have one too many rhinestones in the dark blue "1". That's what I get for rushing...

Then some clean-up work, and voila! Sparkly nails to announce the new year.

What are you wearing on your tips for the new year?

Next week, I'm going to let my nails rest without polish. I try to do that at least once or twice a year - seems like it would be good for them. So I'll post my manicure routine here instead of a nail art tutorial next Tuesday.

Here's a toast to you, dear readers - for a wonderful start to the New Year, much happiness and lovely nails in the coming months. See you in 2010!


Here is the gourd painting - after several more hours of "fiddling" - finished I think.
I've tried to put these in proper order so you can see the progression.

The beginning - miskit poured, then yellows.

The second pour.

Then more miskit applied and more pours. The miskit removed and beginning to pull out the gourds.

Almost done!And finally - finished at last??????