The Rick Stelmaszek Saga:Part 13

You had to know this one was coming. Today is Rick Stelmaszek's birthday. Our favorite ex-Cubs catcher and current Twins coach turns 61 today!
Stelmaszek just finished his 29th consecutive season as a coach with the Twins. This ranks 3rd all-time in mlb history (behind Nick Altrock with 42 and Manny Mota with 30 and counting).
For his birthday present, Stelmaszek and the Twins got a trip to the playoffs this season (along with another post here). On Tuesday, the Twins beat the Detroit Tigers to win the AL Central. Unfortunately for the Twins, they face the New York Yankees in the first round of the playoffs.
Rick Stelmaszek in a very early photo with the Washington Senators-late 60's/early 70's.