I quickly asked EZ if he would be willing to share some of his stories on a regular basis. A little while back, I featured his meeting with the late-great comedian Paul Lynde. Monday, I will be featuring his encounter with the former talk show host icon Mike Douglas.

Okay, that is past and future, so why am I writing this today. Oh today is a special day. Today is the birthday of the Evil Zebra.
I am not sure about what makes him evil (or if he really is evil). I hate to ruin a reputation and potentially incur his wrath, but he seems downright nice to me. Well, maybe you can be evil and nice?!
Whichever the case, I want to send out a birthday greeting to my newest bud, Evil Zebra. It has been a real pleasure getting to know more about you and I look forward to more stories and sometime even meeting you!