I first met Larry Zbyszko at the Wrestling Reunion in St. Pete in 2005. It was a bit of a challenge due to some logistic problems at the convention. The next time I met Zbyszko was at the ill-fated convention in Kokomo (IN) in 2006.
The annual event stopped in 2006, after financial and legal problems of the organizer. I am really upset, because the event was great and only a few hour drive for me.
The wrestlers sat at tables for several hours and then had matches later in the evening. While several hundred people attended the event, the lines moved quickly and the wrestlers were always great.
I was able to spend a few minutes with Larry the Living Legend. Larry is definitely from the old school of wrestling, but he remains popular with the younger fans. I brought up his golfing game, which is a favorite topic of Zbyszko's. He brought up my alleged resemblance to Jay Leno. Then we talked wrestling for a bit. It was awesome.
I really hope the WWE puts Zbyszko in their Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, this probably won't happen. Zbyszko was last seen in TNA wrestling and probably hold little marketability for the WWE. Still, I can hope, because Zbyszko really deserves it.