I just have to be thankful I made it above 'Strange Veg' otherwise I'd never be able to live that down...!
Here's the piece as it appeared on page 3:

The chap who wrote it, Charles, was a keen Dredd fan and I feel
he enjoyed writing the 'Top 5 Dredd Facts' piece to accompany the article -
Nice one, Charles!
The chap who wrote it, Charles, was a keen Dredd fan and I feel
he enjoyed writing the 'Top 5 Dredd Facts' piece to accompany the article -
Nice one, Charles!
Great stuff, a couple of local people have since recognised me and stopped to talk to me about it which is always nice! I imagine CNN or BBC World News may be next on the list ;)
In other news, I'll be appearing at this years Games Day at the NEC on the Sept 27th, so if you want any books or posters signing, bring them on down and I'll deface them with my signature!
Also, I've recently been pencilled in to be appearing at the big Horus Heresy signing at the Forbidden Planet Megastore next February - I'll talk more about this nearer the time, I guess.
Workwise, I'm currently doing some more 2000AD/ Megazine covers and a nice, big set of illustrations for an Iron Warriors book from BL Publishing.
Oh, and it looks like I'll be doing some lecturing at the University of Lincoln on their Computer Science course - all those years in the games biz might amount to something yet!
Peace out, y'all.