Ten Things About Me
1. I love to read, and write. Words are my passion.
2. I hate to shop.
3. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and hubby and I go all out with a party.
4. Fall & spring are my favorite seasons.
5. I taste and review tea like some people do with wine.
6. I don't have or want a cell phone.
7. I have two dogs, Gabriel (Doberman/Lab) and Lucy (German Shepherd/Lab).
8. I also have a leopard gecko, 4 fire-belly toads and 2 goldfish.
9. All of my makeup/lotions/hair care products are as natural as I can get them, nail polish is a guilty pleasure.
10. I have three stuffed skunks on my desk at work, and a tattoo of Pepe Le Peux on the inside of my right ankle.
Ten Blogs I Pass this Award to:
You know, I can't pick. I love all the blogs in my blogroll, and some that aren't there too. So I'll just ask that everyone surfing by checks out at least one of those blogs, and if you're so inclined, tell me one thing about *yourself* in the comments.
Anyone without a blog who would like to participate (I know Lucy's been tagged several times) feel free to forward your own "ten things" to me via email, and I'll post them here for you for others to link to if you'd like.
Thanks again, Laine!