As you will recall, the rules for this giveaway were to leave a comment on my blog during the month of August and each comment would give you one chance to win an original painting. (I can hear all the ooooohhs and aaaahhhhhhhs right now!)
So –
I typed each person’s name onto a sheet each time they commented.
Then I cut them separately and folded each in half and put them in a bowl.
Then I swished my hand around the bowl and pulled out one name.
And . . .
The winner is . . .
I couldn’t believe how appropriate this is – since Vicki is always giving something away on her blog!
Congratulations Vicki! You need to contact me ( with your address so I can mail you your “prize”????
Right now I won’t say what that prize is so you will be surprised (I hope you will be pleasantly surprised – otherwise you are allowed to toss it into the trash at any time!) Then you will have to let me know you got it so I can post it (or you can!) for all the world to see!!
P.S. This is being given away on MY BIRTHDAY (blue sapphire, in case you would like to forward an exquisite and price-y piece of jewelry!!!!!) Just thought I'd share!
P.P.S. This is also being given away on MY ANNIVERSARY - 32 years! - (Elder purple in honor of my husband all these 32 years!!!)