I am always up for a good blog challenge. The folks at Dinged Corners came up with the challenge of 6 Cards in 30 Seconds. The basic concept is to grab a binder of cards and in 30 seconds, find 6 that make you happy. The key is not thinking (oh I love that aspect) and just reacting. I decided to grab my binder of signed 8x10's for this mission. Aside from choosing photos over cards, I tried to stick to the concept. I didn't just scroll to my favorites (no Mike Squires or Billy Joel). I just grabbed the first 6 that gave me a good feeling immediately. Roddy Piper signed a reproduction of the NIE ad in which he appeared for Lerner Newspapers. This picture represents a lot of great memories. The fact that I got Piper to appear in the ad still boggles my mind. That was followed with an interview. Finally, in one of the most surreal moments in my life, Laurie and I met Piper in Florida.I didn't even know Michael Callan was going to be at the convention. I just stumbled onto his booth. I loved his tv show My Occasional Wife (in reruns), which sparked a bit of a surprising chat with Callan.I was a Kev-Head. Starting when I was in college, until he left the Chicago airwaves, I always listened to Kevin Matthews. When I first started at Lerner Newspapers, Matthews was always on our radio. Louie and I talked to him a few times and saw him at a couple comedy clubs. Matthews left Chicago in the early 00's and is currently at WLAV in Grand Rapids, MI. Andrea Evans has been a long-time favorite of mine. Evans was a teenage crush of mine. She also appeared in the NIE ad series for Lerner. I have supported her efforts in the Walk For Hope and she has done great things for the clients who I brought in as sponsors. This 8x10 was from the first time I met her and obtained her autograph after trying for many years. Few things are cooler than former Chicago White Sox catcher Ed Herrmann sporting the old red and blue uniforms from the early 70's. I just love this photo. It brings back great memories. Following old school Ed Herrmann is old school Jim Pappin of the Chicago Blackhawks. I love this great b/w shot of Pappin moving in on Bernie Parent. It reminds me of growing up watching Pappin and those Hawks on my small b/w tv.