Study Time!

So after my last post I've been determined to get back into regular studies... So instead of browsing the internet and talking between waiting for feedback I'm gonna do photo studies :). Having a lot of fun trying to take a painterly approach rather than copy them perfectly. Plan on doing all of them like this from now on...

Other than that I'm just finishing up some client work for a deadline. Was hoping to have everything done by today but I think the AD forgot to send me some feedback on a piece. So yea, I guess I get an extra day or so to work on that stuff... Would much rather have finished so I could go see the sun! haha oh well.

But yea, getting back into studies has made my mood totally turn around! I feel awesome and am really looking forward to doing some everyday! Plus I'm flying through my work and dont feel like a slob hahaha.

Heres the study from photo - around an hour

Goin back to my old favorites lately :D!