Got a ton of work done today and I feel way too good right now. I made a decision the other day that I was done bullshitting myself. As in I always think back to a few months ago(more like 4 months ago) when I used to study every morning. Since then I have received better and better work and have been filling out my schedule. In my mind I think I can't make time for both, I sometimes tell myself that so much that I actually believe it haha. When I really just sat down and thought through it all I realized what I'd really been doing... Which is slowing my life down to a halt. Not that I don't think I have improved but the fact that I could have been making crazy progress had I never just stopped. Today was the first day in a long time that I did loomis studies in the morning. Afterwards I felt great! So much so that I got more work done than the days I jumped right into client work. Before today I'd been telling myself this was something I had to do, so when I didn't I felt really crappy. Its weird, I've been telling myself how I had no time but because I hadn't done it I was just killing my drive. The feeling that I'm not improving and watching everybody else improve was what was killing my motivation. But all of that is officially over now! Never will I screw up like this again :D! Its all about the fundamentals now...
Anyways, I'm energized and ready to really push myself harder than ever.