I decided to take a left turn from the usual sports related 'Old Times' posts to present one of my favorite pictures of all time. The picture features my brother-in-law Scott, my nephew Matt (pre-Big Money days) and me.
About 20 years ago, for reasons we can't remember, my friend/coworker Louie Atsaves and
I became known as the 'Bash Brothers' around the office. It might not have been original, but it was humorous (at the time and in that place at least). As a joke, I drew caricatures befitting the name and even printed a couple tshirts for Louie and me.
This is when the fun really started. The tshirts became a hit with everyone else. We have no idea why, but before the craze was over, we had sold over 75 tshirts to others around the office. Bash Brothers wear was the rage.
I made a few extra and gave them to my family as a joke. One day, Scott and Matt surprised me by donning the shirts for a family get-together. That cracked me up. Fortunately, my sister snapped the picture for posterity.
Wow...that's a lot of purple.
Old Times at Home
Posted by
Big Money,
John Wroblewski,
Matt Parker,
Old Times,
Scott Parker