With the Houston Astros playing my Chicago Cubs, I am reminded of good times I had in Houston. As I have written before, my sister and her family lived in Houston for a few years. Whenever I would visit, we would attend a few Astros games. We always hit the Cubs games, but I like to forget those, since the Astros always seemed to beat the Cubs when I went.
My nephew Matt Parker (aka Big Money) was a big Astros fan (He has since rediscovered his love of the White Sox or whichever way the wind is blowing...).
Matt has joined me in my quest for celeb pictures. Together, we met Astros legend Jimmy Wynn (with help from Matt's dad Scott) after one game. After another, we had a chance to get a picture with then-Manager Phil Garner.
Phil was looking a bit stiff that particular day. Maybe it was a bad day. Maybe he knew his end was near as manager. Either way, we were not going to be denied. We got our picture and Garner did not say a word.
Phil Garner was a Real Cut Out
Posted by
Big Money,
Houston Astros,
John Wroblewski,
Matt Parker,
Phil Garner