Johngy Met an Angel

Tanya Roberts was a Bond Girl and one of tv's Charlie's Angels. She also co-starred with Marc Singer (one of my favorites from his role as John Cappelletti) on the big screen in The Beastmaster. More recently, Roberts appeared on tv's That 70's Show.
I would have to give Roberts one of my highest grades for any celebrity at a signing. Roberts gets it. She was friendly, without being overly pushy, smiling and inviting conversation.
Additionally, Roberts had many 8x10's from her career available to purchase. This is key. For someone like Roberts, who had several popular roles, multiple photos is a must. Collectors are an interesting breed. Some just want any photo signed. However, the majority of collectors want specific photos signed.
Collector A gets every signature of everyone on Charlies Angels. Collector B goes after all of the Bond Girls. Collector C wants everyone who appeared in Playboy. Collector D wants 1 of everything available. Roberts was ready for all of them.
It seems quite simple. Why not have a big selection of photos? Of course, it also seems simple that the celebrity should be friendly and outgoing.
Roberts was on her Marketing Game. A couple in front of me spent over $300 on 10 different signed pictures. Maybe Roberts should give lessons to the other stars...or maybe I could!
Tanya Roberts and me in South Holland, IL-late 1990's.