My daughter had the opportunity to go to Croatia and Italy a few years ago.
If there is one place in the world I could go, it would be Venice, so when she left I gave her an ultimatum – “When you go to Venice take lots of good pictures, or don’t come back.” (Ain’t I a great mom!) Terror struck my heart when she emailed me about her day in Venice, saying “If you’ve seen one canal you’ve seen ‘em all”. But, Darling Daughter that she is, she took lots of Venice pictures and quite a few of them are paint worthy. (She also brought me a glass chicken from Venice!)
So . . . . one day I was watching a TV show about Venice when I caught a glimpse of my painting on the TV screen! Just to be certain, I backed up the DVR and paused it and, yep, the picture on the TV screen was the identical view my daughter had taken a photo of and which I had painted!
Above is that painting.
Compare this painting to Sandy Maudlin’s Venice painting posted on 12/18/8-12/20/8 on her blog ( Maybe my daughter was right – “seen one canal, seen ‘em all”! I thought these two paintings were very similar.