A few weeks ago i received the rutilated quartz i was waiting for . It is quite a challenge to find the exact size needed and good quality . I made a lot of research to finally find exactly what i was looking for.
Rutilated quartz can be in many places including Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.
Rutilated quartz can be in many places including Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.
There are a few types of rutilated quartz , The golden , The black and the Multi . Until recently i didn't know about this 3rd type of rutilated quartz as it is less common than the other one . Because rutilated quartz became one i my favorite stone i continued my search and found this awesome variation of the stone .
When choosing rutilated quartz there are a few characteristics that makes it more valuable . The best quality is found when the rutile are long across the stone . The space between the rutile is translucent and or less cloudy . The visibility and size of the rutile . The coloring of the rutile . The polish of the stone and hardness .
So far i have not seen this variety of rutilated quartz on ETSY.
The Steampunk Ring with Rutilated quartz
Rutilated quartz is also know as "fléches d'amour" because of its
resemblance to cupids dart and it is also called Venus hair .
resemblance to cupids dart and it is also called Venus hair .
More info about quartz :