New Genuine Baltic Amber

I'm always on the look for some uncommon materials . When i don't make rings , i take a break and search the web. I have spent hours looking for Genuine Baltic amber in the right size and shape . I bought some that the seller claimed was genuine Baltic amber but was not convinced it was the real thing .

Originally i had bought beads on Etsy which were expensive and i believe it was the real deal .
Then i got others that I'm still not sure of . I called it Mysterious Amber and explain in the detail of the ring that i didn't know for sure . Recently while i was making a ring i drilled one of the mysterious bead and to my surprise it smelled very sweet , which is good because it is one of the characteristic of real Amber . Although I'm skeptic , it convinced me that it is not plastic but did not convince me that it was amber .

Here's a picture of the Mysterious Amber Ring :

It really has many of the visual characteristic of real amber and is a perfect match for this style of rings . I always associated amber as being the most steampunk precious stone of all but that's only my opinion. I think that amber has the ability to freeze time , even sometimes specimen of fossilized insect can be found inside ,frozen in time !

For example :

Finally i have found a supplier in Lithuania who sell 100% guaranteed genuine Baltic amber and has been in the Amber business for over 20 years . So i bought the only strand in the right size that they had in stock .

I really like the natural look of these beads .I cant wait to received them so i played with photoshop to see what it will look like .

I will get them in a few weeks and post the real picture here when i get them :