Our days consisted of painting, eating, talking, painting, eating, drinking wine, sleeping and painting!
One of the artist’s has a daughter who is a chef and as a treat, she and her boyfriend, also a chef, came for a day and prepared a delicious meal for us.
We did reserve one day for a trip into Knoxville to the Jerry’s Artarama. We’ve been there several times, but we consistently get lost each time, mostly due to road construction. This year we had two GPS navigation systems with us – how could we possibly miss it? Well, we still took one wrong turn! But once we were there we had a great time inspecting everything on the shelves and then checking out what we were each buying to make sure we didn’t miss anything. As usual, I went in with one or two items in mind and came out with a few more. We also lucked into a “tax free” day, too, so some of our supplies were considered school supplies and had no tax on them.
Here's an explanation of the paintings:
Mine - I'm attempting a series of laundry paintings - these were OK, can't find photos good enough of the other two, but they are most likely do-overs, anyway, as is this one.

Another laundry painting, courtesy of a photo from my daughter taken during a trip to Venice. Needs a little tweaking, but this one's a keeper.
The next two are by Nancy - done in pastel. I love the waterlillies!
These two are by Cora Mae - she said this top one was just "play", but I wish I could play that well! The bottom one represents a nautical theme - she lives on the coast of North Carolina.
Watch for paintings from the other ladies coming soon!