It began on Friday afternoon, getting judged into a local artists group.
Friday evening was the Middletown Area Art show - 2 out of 3 paintings I entered were accepted, even though they did not win a prize. However, like the Oscar winners always say - "it's an honor to be nominated." I do truly appreciate gaining acceptance into that show since it draws from a large area with some regionally and nationally-known artists.
Saturday was the Miamisburg Art Guild show - won second place in watermedia for my Sunlit Pears 2 (photo below). And in addition to that - something really fun and exciting happened to me!

As I approached my painting to place my ribbon the lady standing there said "Deb, sorry to be blocking your painting". I asked if she knew me and she told me she gets on my blog all the time! Wow! We spent several minutes chatting - so I now have to coin a word for her, unless one already exists in the blogging community - I'll call her my "Bloggerite". Her name is Gaylynn and that's her, on the left, standing in front of her painting of a little girl. She had another of horses - they are both very good! She and her sister were so nice!

So, all in all, a fun weekend - great weather, great friends, great art, spoke to some folks I've know a while, made a new acquaintance and my husband treated me to dinner on Friday night and paid me some high compliments!
I't doesn't get any better than that!
p.s. Does anyone know how I can superimpose a photo of Raquel Welch over mine in all future photos of me???????