My little Lucy Liu is one of my favorite actresses, making a rep for herself as a butt-kicking man-eater with a sharp tongue and killer bod, but Lucy's fashion sense seems to have jumped the shark lately, since starring in ABC's 'Cashmere Mafia'. Liu looks as if she put on a '27 Dresses' bridesmaid costume or 80's prom dress, then got attacked by a cotton candy machine on steroids. Apparently her fashion choices have been influenced (badly) by costume designer Patricia Fields, formerly of 'Sex and the City, and currently of 'Cashmere Mafia'. Fields was responsible for putting the horrendously avant garde costumes on Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), which were all unique, to say the least.
I think Lucy should stick to her own fashion sense, which usually falls in the tasteful and classic area, and always presentable.