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Britney Spears's family is accusing Dr. Phil McGraw of violating their trust by making public statements about his hospital visit with the troubled pop star and his call for her to receive therapy. Family spokesman Lou Taylor, a business manager for mother Lynne and daughter Jamie Lynn Spears, appeared on Wednesday's Today show and also said that at no time had the family planned to do a show with McGraw, despite his statements about such a program. (McGraw later said the scheduled episode would not go on as originally planned.) "It was decided it would be detrimental to ever do that," said Taylor, who described McGraw's request for such a show in the first place to be "self-serving." She also said that McGraw has now "compromised" Lynne and Jamie Lynn's relationship with Britney. Taylor confirmed that McGraw had been sent to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center on Saturday to meet with Britney at the request of the family, and that Lynne Spears and McGraw's wife, Robin, know one another. Asked by Today's Meredith Vieira if McGraw had ever treated Britney on any previous occasions, Taylor replied, "Not to my knowledge." "What's wrong with Dr. Phil's statement," said Taylor, "is that he made a statement. The family, basically, extended an invitation of trust for him to come in as a resource to support them, not to go out and make public statements." She added, "He was not invited to make this part of a public display or part of the media."
LAPD officers slapped Spears with a temporary restraining order last Thursday night during her custody standoff. Called an "emergency protective order," it is enforced for five business days. Officers did it to "stabilize the situation," confirmed Kevin Federline's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan. Describing Lynne Spears as "a mother who is heartbroken, just to be separated from her daughter," Taylor said Lynne and Jamie Lynn "were looking for support here, not to add to the trouble that is already upon them." Kaplan, who did not request the restraining order, declined to say whether he would seek to extend it. "The person it's placed upon would have to stay approximately 100 feet from the other person, or face arrest," says LAPD spokesman Mike Lopez, who could not confirm the restraining order on Spears. "In most cases, it's issued by officers when there's the possibility of imminent and immediate danger to the victim." Added Kaplan: "Kevin doesn't want to keep his kids from being involved in [Spears's] life. But foremost is that the kids be in an environment of structure [and] stability. The next goal is to get things to a point where both parents are able to participate fully in their [children's] lives."