In a move that bespeaks future bad behavior on the part of a teen star, 'High School Musical's Vanessa Hudgens is a "renter". And that's not a good label.
According to Neiman Marcus, Hudgens and her 'Musical' co-star Zac Efron stopped into the Chicago store where the actress picked out a pair of $1200 heels, which Efron paid for. Hudgens returned the shoes the next day, but they had very obviously been worn.
"These shoes weren't gently worn. They were all torn up like she was dancing all night," says the snitch.
According to the insider: "Department stores call those people ‘the renters,' who return the stuff the next day. It's unusual to do it with shoes, though."
Why the store took them back, we'll never know, although high end department stores such as Saks, Nordstrom, and Neiman's have always had an amazing return policy. Then us peons get to buy all that used and defective stuff on the cheap at their outlets like Last Call and The Rack.
Hopefully Vanessa will learn from her return habits being blared all over the internet, and curb that bad habit before it starts. The world really doesn't need another over paid, over privileged Holly-Brat running around.