Britney's World Imploding!
Everything that could possibly go wrong for the popwreck Britney Spears has definitely gone wrong. On top of last week getting court-ordered to submit to twice weekly random drug testing AND attend an 8 hour parenting class per week, Britney now faces the possibility of going to jail! This latest addition to the wreck-roster stems from Brit's hit and run from an LA parking garage where she failed to leave her info at the scene, then prosecutors discovered that Spears has no valid driver's license anywhere in the US.
Perhaps she has an international one...?
To add insult to injury, Spears' former bodyguard, Tony Baretto, who testified against her at her child custody hearing, has now blabbed all of the sordid details to anyone and everyone who will listen, or perhaps pay for, an interview.
Click here, here, here, here, here, here, and here to read all, and I mean ALL of the inside secrets that Baretto is spilling.
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Britney Spears