Kristin Veitch's Blind Item

Remember back in the day, when Alias wanted Lena Olin to return to the show so badly, they offered her an insane amount of money, but she turned it down?

Well, here's a little ditty that goes something like that...

(Reminder: We don't name names when it comes to Stumpers, but that doesn't prevent you all from doing your darnedest to figure it out below!)

Lena 2.0
Lena 2.0 is a fan favorite (and Kristin favorite) who starred in the very first episode of a Hit Show we fans get a little nutty about. He (yes, he—perhaps I should have called him Leonard instead of Lena?) was written off the show toward the end of last season, and from what I hear, he wasn't so happy about getting the boot. Neither were his costars.

Well, fast-forward to a few weeks ago, when the producers of Hit Show called up Lena—oh, heck, let's call the poor guy Leonard so he can preserve his dignity—and asked him to return for the season finale. They were sure he'd say yes. After all, the whole season was leading up to his return! But much to their surprise—you know what's coming, right?—Leonard said no. Again and again and again. To increasingly obscene amounts of money. See, it turns out Leonard's pride is priceless.

So now, Hit Show's producers have quite a storyline conundrum on their hands: What to do without the return of Leonard? Guess we'll have to wait and see...but to be honest, I'm not worried. These guys haven't failed me before.
